
Open source Nexus modelling tools for Planning Sustainable Energy Transition in Africa ONEPlanET

ONEPlanET project aims at empowering African policymakers, research & academia, investors and citizens with the necessary tools and know-how to increase clean energy generation and sustainable use of resources while reducing inequalities and cultural/socio-economic gaps


  • ONEPlanET will co-design and test a Toolkit, built upon existing WEF Nexus models and methodologies, that allows to simulate scenarios optimizing existing resources with the most appropriate policies considering social, climate, economic and biophysical constraints. 
  • In addition, a Knowledge Hub including a set of capacity-building materials and knowledge exchange activities will also be developed. 
  • ONEPlanET will undertake a participatory approach to building local communities in three African case studies: Songwe (Malawi/Tanzania), Inkomati-Usuthu area (South Africa) and Niger (Nigeria) river basins.

The project is implemented by 11 partners (7 in Europe, 4 in Africa). Learn more.


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