
Climate Change Africa Opportunities (CCAO)

The mission of Climate Change – Africa Opportunities (CCAO) is to improve African resilience to the challenges of climate change by supporting startups and initiatives of young green entrepreneurs, women […]

Dreams Hub Research and Innovation Center

Dreams Hub is a research and innovation center, focused on entrepreneurship that equips, incubates and/or strategically connects people and their ideas, startups, with supportive networks to turn their dreams into […]

Centrafrique Tech

Centrafique Tech is a space for exchange and sharing between actors of technological innovation in the Central African Republic. This Hub has had a global impact on their community and […]

Buildcode Together

Our community comes together to develop their capacity to build innovation and deploy their skills in building technology solutions. We provide workspace and physical infrastructure for startups and young organizations

ZongoVation Hub

The ZongoVation Hub is a community technology innovation hub dedicated to the development and growth of young entrepreneurs and startups in the Zongo communities across Ghana. We support young people […]

Rafiki Social Vision

Rafiki social vision is a non-governmental organization in Uganda with a major concern to create a sustainable community free from poverty. The organization proposes to address this through promoting sustainable […]

Dreams Tech Hub

We are committed to mass digital education, the promotion of a cultural movement that values the importance of returning to reading and reflective listening, as a basis for managing uncertainty, […]


Parotech is a digital platform which provides services such as; Software, Digital Marketing and Digital Skills Training for startups. We also assist enterprises setup network infrastructure for unemployed youths.


HarHub is an innovation co-working space with a vision to be a hub for business and people driven impact in Somali speaking regions and beyond and plan to achieve this […]

Burkina Business Incubator

The Burkina Business Incubator Association (BBI) is an incubation center for SMEs, a framework for the maturation of ideas for innovative projects and training in business creation, business development, a […]