
Robotech Lab

Robotech Lab is more of an innovative Hub but also a business that aims at providing STEM curriculum in the field of Robotics Education. They an innovation center that is […]

Ndoto Hub

Ndoto Hub is an incubator and accelerator focused on skill acquisition, social impact, and innovation.

Smart Lab

Smart Lab is an innovation platform that connects solutions from learning institutions with corporate needs to create an impact in African communities. They are focused to empower the youth to […]

Twende Hub

Twende Hub is a social innovation center, with the believe of collaborating with students and community members in Tanzania to identify their challenges and design & create their own solutions […]

Ennovate Ventures

Ennovate Ventures is an incubator and co-creation space with the fundamental objective to facilitate entrepreneurship development across the continent, to inspire innovation in designing today’s solution for the future, to […]

Bongo Tech & Research Labs

Bongo Tech & Research Labs is designed to provide a productive environment for scientists, makers and innovators, providing full access to a Lab and Workshop facilities that support product development […]