Une Nouvelle Ère de Croissance : AfriLabs étend son réseau à 320 hubs d’innovation dans 51 pays Africains
Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que nous avons dépassé le cap des 300 hubs membres en tant que communauté et que nous sommes désormais présents dans 51 pays Africains. En tant […]
AfriLabs Admits 27 new members and expands to 47 African Countries
In line with its vision of a thriving innovation economy in Africa, driven by the power of its community, AfriLabs has added 27 new members to its network which brings […]
2021 AfriLabs Annual Gathering to now be held in Nigeria
Considering developments with the global COVID-19 pandemic and uncertainties caused by new air travel restrictions, the AfriLabs Board has decided to move this year’s Annual Gathering to Nigeria. “For reasons […]
The past few days have not been a pleasant one for the African Innovation Ecosystem, especially the AfriLabs network as Rebecca Enonchong, our Board Chair and one of Africa’s most […]
AfriLabs calls for reversal of the Twitter ban in Nigeria
To build a sustainable innovation economy that solves national issues while improving the economic welfare of the citizens, governments must play their role by providing forward-thinking policies that create a […]
AfriLabs and Mozilla Sign Partnership
To explore new technology ideas that will solve real-life issues. To further inform and develop sustainable solutions for the African region, AfriLabs, a pan-African network of 225 technology innovation hubs […]
La Rencontre Annuelle de AfriLabs 2021 se tiendra maintenant au Nigéria
Suite à l’évolution de la pandémie mondiale de COVID-19 et aux incertitudes causées par les nouvelles restrictions sur les voyages aériens, le Conseil d’Administration de AfriLabs a décidé que la […]
AfriLabs and Djembe Consultants Unveil Report on Building a Resilient Innovative Africa
AfriLabs, the largest pan-African network of technology and innovation centres in partnership with Djembe Consultants, the award-winning Africa-focused communications consultancy, launched an Insights Report during the 2020 AfriLabs Annual Gathering. […]
Dans le cadre de l’Agenda 2063 de l’Union africaine, qui vise à créer un continent pacifique et uni pour les générations à venir, la Commission a décidé de mettre l’accent […]
We Are 15 Members Stronger!
We are 15 Members Stronger! As the year gradually comes to an end despite the challenges faced, we are still committed to building a united and more resilient Africa and […]