AU Digital and Innovation Fellowship Program

The African Union Digital and Innovation Fellowship Programme is a 12-month programme targeted at identifying and deploying 13 highly competent tech innovators from the African continent to units and organs within the African Union headquarters as resident fellows to understand the system within those units, identify data management challenges within the systems and solve the challenges identified.
- Selection of 13 fellows on the programme.
- Capacity Building and Support
- Mentoring & Peer-to-peer Learning
- Learning Tour in South Africa (in partnership with AUDA-NEPAD, Civic Tech Innovation Network (CTIN), and Softstart Business and Technology Incubator )
- Events and Networking.
- Certification.
Impact/Result so far
The Capacity of 13 fellows has been built via targeted training and study tour. The Internal capacity is enhanced within the African Union and its organs.
Closer Ecosystem Relationship: A closer relationship between the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Innovation Ecosystem with at least three projects/partnerships established.
Process: At least one policy and/or participation process enhanced within the context of good governance.
11+ innovative and tailored specific products have been built to enhance the work of the AU and its organs with the engagement of citizens. Units are able to make better use of their data and make more informed decisions.